• What is Ethereum?
    1. Introduction
    2. A Short History Lesson
    3. Link to Original Bitcoin White Paper
    4. What is Ethereum?
    5. Interfacing with Ethereum Networks
    6. Metamask Setup
    7. Ethereum Accounts
    8. Receiving Ether
    9. What’s a Transaction?
    10. Basic Blockchains
    11. Block Time
    12. Smart Contracts
    13. The Solidity Programming Language
    14. Our First Contract
    15. Contract Structure
    16. Function Declarations
    17. Testing with Remix
    18. Redeploying Contracts
    19. Behind the Scenes of Deployment
    20. More on Running Functions Than You Want to Know
    21. Wei vs Ether
    22. Gas and Transactions
    23. Mnemonic Phrases
    24. Getting More Ether
    25. Smart Contracts with Solidity
    26. Solidity – Language of Smart Contracts
  • Hyperledger Fabric Using Composer
    1. Introduction
    2. What is Hyperledger?
    3. Distributed Ledger Technology & its Challenges
    4. Hyperledger & Distributed Ledger Technology
  • Hyperledger Fabric & Composer Concepts
    1. Hyperledger Fabric : A DLT for Business Applications
    2. Hyperledger Fabric : DLT for Business
    3. Assets, Chaincode & Ledger
    4. Assets, Chaincode and Transactions
    5. Permissioned Network, Members & Membership Service Provider
    6. Permissioned Network, Member & Membership Services
    7. Nodes and Channels
    8. Hyperledger Fabric Composer Overview
  • Pre-Requisites for Fabric development
    1. Development Machine Specifications & IDE
    2. Composer Dev Tools Installation
    3. Exercise: Validate the Composer Development Environment
    4. Linux/Ubuntu & AWS: Setup of Fabric Development on Local & Cloud VM
  • Fabric Under the Hood (Concepts & Terminology)
    1. Ledger Implementation
    2. Dev Environment Walkthrough: Peer & CouchDB setup
    3. Ledger Implementation
    4. Peers Nodes : Anchors and Endorsers
    5. Anchor Peers & Endorsing Peers
    6. Clients Node: Endorsement Policies
    7. Client Peer & Endorsing Policies
    8. Orderer Nodes
    9. Membership Service Provider & Certification Authority
    10. Dev Environment Walkthrough: Orderer and CA Server
    11. Chaincode Development
  • Using Composer Tools for Application Development & Administration
    1. Fabric Composer Playground
    2. Composer Playground
    3. Yeoman Hyperledger Generators
    4. Yo Generators
    5. Participant Roles and Business Network Cards
    6. Participant Roles and Business Network Cards
    7. Composer CLI Tool – Deploying a Network Application
    8. Composer CLI Tool – Network Application Management
    9. Exercise: Create & Deploy Network Application
    10. REST Server Overview
    11. REST Server Security
    12. Skeleton Angular Application using Yo
    13. Composer SDK Overview
  • Business Network Application Modelling
    1. Case Study: ACME Airlines
    2. Modeling Language Files | Namespace
    3. Defining the Resources
    4. Support for Object Orientation
    5. Modeling Arrays
    6. Registries & Relationship between Resources
    7. Arrays, Registries & Relationships
    8. Adding the field Validations
    9. Field validations
    10. Resource Registries & Identities +Exercise
    11. Modeling the Transactions
    12. Exercise: Fix the code for generating the FlightId
    13. Exercise: Add a set of aircraft queries
    14. Managing identities for Network Applications
    15. Access Control Language (Part 1 of 2) Simple Rules
    16. Exercise: Simple Rule for ACMENetworkAdmin
    17. Access Control Language (Part 2 of 2) Conditional Rules
    18. Exercise: Conditional Rule for ACMEPersonnel
  • Composer SDK / API : Coding the Client Apps
    1. Business Network Card Management
    2. Card Storage API
    3. Admin Connection Class
    4. Business Network Connection Class
    5. Submitting a Transaction
    6. Registries
    7. Resources
    8. Querying the Registries
    9. Subscribing to Events
    10. Write a utility to create | delete test data​ for ACME Airline Model
  • Composer SDK / API : Coding the Transaction Processors
    1. Embedded Runtime for Testing
    2. Crash course in Mocha and Chai
    3. Writing Unit Test Cases for Network Applications
    4. Runtime API for Transaction Processing Functions
    5. Exercise: Define the Aircraft Assignment Transaction
    6. Query invocation in Transaction Processing Functions
    7. Implementing Programmatic Access Control
    8. Emitting events and Integrating with external systems
  • Developing Front End Applications for Network Applications
    1. Application Design Patterns
    2. Application Architecture Patterns
    3. Securing the REST server with Authentication Strategy
    4. Walkthrough: Applying OAuth2.0 Authentication Strategy to REST Server
    5. Working of Multi User Enabled REST Server
    6. Walkthrough – REST Server Multi User mode
    7. Create the Design Blueprint for the Fabric Application UI