Certified DevOps Generalist™ (DevOps-GEN™) Certification Program
The main role of a DevOps Generalist is to ensure smooth establishment, efficient and healthy progress and continuous improvement of DevOps Practices in a DevOps organization and in its DevOps teams. Therefore, competence and perspective of every single employee in a DevOps organization to be able to act with DevOps teams is a fundamental factor which determines the success level and lifetime of DevOps organizations.
- 2 Days
- Foundational Level
Certified DevOps Executive™ (DevOps-EXEC™) Certification Program
DevOps Executives are responsible for successful utilization and application of DevOps know how within their organizations. They are key players for DevOps teams to enable cultural shift of doing and thinking in DevOps way. They have proven ability to constructively influence teams and management to get things done. DevOps Executives support the alignment of DevOps teams with business strategies, and they are responsible for identification, selection, scoping, prioritization and ultimately managing the penetration of DevOps into their organizations.
- 2 Days
- Foundational Level
Certified DevOps Project Manager™ (DevOps-PM™) Certification Program
DevOps Project Manager is the person responsible for accomplishing the stated project objectives. Key DevOps Project Manager responsibilities include creating clear and attainable project objectives, building the project requirements, and managing the constraints of the project management triangle, which are cost, schedule, scope, and quality.
- 2 Days
- Foundational Level
Certified DevOps Product Owner™ (DevOps-PO™) Certification Program
DevOps Product Owner role is a very unique and broad role in DevOps which combines all of the challenging aspects of traditional Project Manager and Product Manager roles. Moreover, DevOps Product Owner represents the customer point of view in a DevOps team by ensuring that the right work is done at the right time. It needs to be tightly integrated with the overall DevOps Software Development and Delivery Teams and Processes to ensure maximum added value for each and every Product Release.
- 2 Days
- Foundational Level
Certified DevOps Architect™ (DevOps-ARCH™) Certification Program
A Devops Architect owns architecture, design and development of product deployment tools and processes. In this role, the DevOps Architect is expected to architect and develop innovative solutions to build and maintain product architecture, its related tools and processes for continuous integration and continuous deployment pipeline.
- 2 Days
- Foundational Level
Certified DevOps Developer™ (DevOps-DEV™) Certification Program
As a DevOps Developer, you transform the business goals of your customers into Software Solutions and Systems. The main difference between an ordinary developer and a DevOps Developer is that: As a DevOps Developer, during the full course of your work, you are conscious of the business goals and business demands of your customers. You are fully aware of why your employer has hired you and what your customers need and expect from you.
- 3 Days
- Foundational Level
Certified DevOps Operations Engineer™ (DevOps-OPS™) Certification Program
DevOps Operations Engineers are responsible for monitoring, maintaining and deploying the state-of-the-art software and infrastructure behind the technology of their Products. They deploy and maintain Network Infrastructures and Servers at Data Centers. They also participate in DevOps Delivery and Deployment Teams on installations and develop product delivery and deployment contingency plans.
- 2 Days
- Foundational Level
Certified DevOps Quality Assurance (Test) Engineer™ (DevOps-QA™) Certification Program
DevOps Quality Assurance Engineers play proactive role for the processing of Unique Selling Points of their Product, Requirements, Use Cases, Software Architecture and various other software design material to find out desired test types to validate the quality of Product under Test. They work with DevOps Developers and DevOps Project Managers to determine Test Implementation Methodologies and Tools to run and operate the Testing Work.
- 2 Days
- Foundational Level
Certified DevOps Information Security Engineer™ (DevOps-SEC™) Certification Program
In traditional configurations of IT organizations information security is largely an afterthought. It is yet another nonfunctional requirement that is often taken care when it is most difficult, expensive and hectic to identify and fix the problems.
DevOps Information Security Engineers design big picture security strategy of their organizations while laying out the details of an implementation plan. They understand the constant need to balance the benefits of incremental security measures with the potential burdens on the business. They proactively find and fix security problems in designs at early engineering stages of products, and in running software systems. They monitor networks, software telemetry and prioritize efforts based on risk.
- 2 Days
- Foundational Level
Certified DevOps Release Manager™ (DevOps-RM™) Certification Program
DevOps Release managers work to address the management and coordination of the product from development through production. Typically they work on more of the technical details and hurdles in which a traditional project manager cannot be involved. DevOps Release managers oversee the coordination, integration, and flow of development, testing, and deployment to support continuous delivery. They’re focused not just on creating, but also maintaining the end-to-end application delivery tool chain.
- 2 Days
- Foundational Level